Over 400 Jewish creatives and Hollywood professionals signed an open letter, denouncing director Jonathan Glazer for his speech refuting his "Jewishness."

Press CorpAbout the Press Corp

Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


3 things you didn't know about Prohibition on its 100th anniversary

One hundred years ago, by a bipartisan vote of 65 to 20, the U.S. Senate submitted to the states what became the 18th Amendment.

Obama’s IRS ‘misled’ Obamacare customers

The Obama administration “misled” Americans into thinking signing up for Obamacare would be cheaper than it really was.

Why North Korea Is Threatening Guam

The U.S. territory is home to large military bases, and occupies a strategic place between the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea.

Closed because of Soda Tax

One of many? ....CC Orlando & Sons, opened in 1948, closed because of Soda tax.

Pro-life laws do not harm public health

Researchers try to find evidence that pro-life laws cause public-health problems.

Stop Calling Jesus a Socialist

It must be said that Jesus was and is not a socialist by anyone's definition, save those of his revisionists.

Gone but not forgotten

Judge orders State Department to keep searching for Benghazi emails

A Very Fresh Face Is Running for Governor

Thanks to loose election rules, a 16-year-old is seeking the state’s highest office before he can vote himself

The best school district in America

In an Ohio suburb 20 miles outside Cleveland, a city where schools are failing by almost every measure

FBI: Teen sold bomb threats

Israeli arrested for sending more than 100 threatening messages

NASA issues safety warning for solar eclipse

The eclipse, which is the first total eclipse in the Lower 48 since 1979, will take place Aug. 21 and will last two hours and 38 minutes.

NYC Mayor proposes 'Millionaires Tax' to fix subway

Bill de Blasio also wants the higher tax on city's wealthy to subsidize low-income riders.

How a dog Named Brutus Was Used to Steal $36,000

Civil asset forfeiture is the formal name for this form of state sanctioned theft.

A scenario of Big Brother run amok that not even George Orwell could have imagined.

In NYC, No One is Safe from Big Brother – Not Even Man’s Best Friend

Government Has No Clue How Much Land It Bought With $815 Million

The Interior Department does not centrally track information about grants awarded for the purpose of acquiring land.

They Don't have to tell you

The FBI published the final rule this week.