Among the positions being considered is DHS secretary.

Press CorpAbout the Press Corp

Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Federal fuel economy standards are costly, inefficient and harm the environment

New vehicles sold in the U.S. must comply with increasingly stringent Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.

El Chapo’s Drug Money May Be Too Dirty for Lawyers to Take

U.S. taxpayers will continue to pay for the defense of one of the world’s richest narco lords.

Paranoid Kim Jong-un executing record numbers who no longer see him as a living GOD

U.S. government report reveals his ruthless regime is persecuting thousands who dare to practise 'other religions'

Then They Came For Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream had to figure it would be one of the last firms in America to come under attack.

ISIS is clearly responsible for genocide

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said today that ISIS has committed genocide.

Here Is The Alias Email Account Loretta Lynch Used

Like her predecessor, Eric Holder, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used an email alias to conduct government business.

4 in 5 Medical Bills Contain Errors: Here's What You Can Do

Experts advise bringing a healthy skepticism to any medical bill you receive and carefully check for common errors.

FDA cracks down on company marketing ‘three-parent’ babies

The United States remains among the most loosely regulated countries when it comes to sperm and egg donation and vitro fertilization.

“Smart Guns” And SAGA

Smart guns can be hacked. In fact, just last week, a hacker rendered the technology in a leading smart gun completely useless.

For the sake of jobs and culture, copyright law must be protected

We must protect our rights as creatives by asking our elected officials to understand the importance and value of copyright.

ISIS operatives allegedly used eBay to fund terror operations

Operatives working for the self-proclaimed Islamic State allegedly used fake eBay transactions to move their money.

Is your dog contraband?

An awful ruling for pet owners has come from a federal court.

The Language of Politics

Democrats and Republicans speak different languages — and it helps explain why we're so divided.

We should call evil by its name

Sen. Orrin Hatch: My brother didn't die fighting Hitler for Nazis to go unchallenged today.

SSA Gave $1.3 Million in Benefits to Criminals

Criminals who had defrauded government receiving benefit payments.

Being Christian In North Korea

Horrific New Details Emerge of Christians Being Crushed Under Steamrollers, Hung Over Fires.