The poll average has Trump in the lead with 41 percent, a 5.3 percent lead over Biden, who received 35.7 percent support. Kennedy received 11.7 percent support.

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Are Sex Offender Registries constitutional?

A ruling coming out of a federal court this week could lead to a significant change in how the country deals with convicted sex offenders.

Nurse arrested for refusing to draw blood

The detective didn’t have a warrant to draw the patient’s blood, and the patient wasn’t conscious, so he couldn’t give consent.

North Korean bomb prompts condemnation

North Korea's biggest nuclear test to date was condemned around the world on Sunday,

I Met the Man Who Killed My Entire Family

How Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza found forgiveness.

It’s time for Congress to retire one of its most dangerous weapons

With a deadline of Sept. 29 looming and Congress nearing their summer recess, the debt ceiling is primed to be a big issue when they return.

Should states make presidential candidates release taxes?

A question that could end up on next year's ballot in Massachusetts would require candidates for president to release their tax returns.

‘Sometimes You Have to Do Whatever it Takes’

Doctor Canoes Through Texas Floods to Perform Surgery on Injured Teen

Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge To Commission On Presidential Debates

A Federal Appeals Court in Washington, D.C. has upheld a decision dismissing a lawsuit filed by Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

House Commerce Committee delays net neutrality hearing

The House Energy and Commerce Committee will delay its hearing on net neutrality that was scheduled for Sept. 7

How Gen Z Will Affect The Future Of The Peer To Peer Economy

Gen Z means even greater opportunities for businesses to sustain themselves.

The Legal Crises to Follow in Hurricane Harvey's Wake

Lawyers in Houston are acting as first responders, connecting victims with insurance issues, among others, to pro bono assistance.

Toxic connection: North Korea's chemical weapons link to Syria

The incidents outlined in the U.N. report are not the first time ships containing North Korean arms have been intercepted en route to Syria.

Obama Admin Hid Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuclear Deal

Congressional leaders are calling for an investigation into Iran.

NASA wants to prevent the Yellowstone super volcano from destroying the U.S.

NASA believes the Yellowstone super volcano is a greater threat to life on Earth than any asteroid.

Thank God he was carrying

Thank God he had a conceal carry permit. If not, they would likely have been holding a press conference about a tragic ending for the judge.