Former President Donald Trump maintains a strong position among key swing state voters and soars with Hispanic, black, and young voters.

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Escape from North Korea

Defectors risk all on a perilous 2,700-mile trek

Remembering 9/11, 16 Years Later

On the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, we pause to remember the events of that tragic day, as well as honor the victims and the

The Myth That Climate Change Created Harvey, Irma

Climate policies and regulations designed to prevent natural disasters and slow the earth’s warming simply will not do so.

NY’s Highest Court Rejects Assisted Suicide

Unanimous ruling: No constitutional right to doctor-assisted suicide.


How Harvey washed away partisanship

Somalia Seeks U.S. Help Against Al-Qaeda Rebels Aiding Iran

Here’s an ominous little piece of news that got drowned in all the flood coverage of Hurricane Harvey.

3 Ways the US Tax Code Is Killing Our Economy’s Potential

Our current tax code suppresses business creation, expansion, and reinvestment thanks to high tax rates.

What a Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Learned

One of the first ambassadors to really use social media in an active way.

Do You Think This Emergency Order Is Unconstitutional?

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

No one left to blame?

Hillary Clinton Blames Obama, Biden, Others for Her Loss

More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire

The state’s same-day registration is an invitation for fraud because of loose proof-of-residence rules.

A Green Classroom Revolution That Is Spreading Across The U.S.

His students thrive in school and in life by growing, cooking, eating, and sharing the bounty of their green classroom.

Identity theft alert

Equifax hit by a high-tech heist that exposed the Social Security numbers and sensitive information of about 143 million Americans.

Honoring America and our National Anthem

Once again, Colin Kaepernick’s choice to kneel during the national anthem and his failure to be picked up by any NFL team is in the news.