The Biden administration Thursday announced a new rule that requires thousands of gun vendors to register as federally licensed firearms dealers and then run background checks on customers in an attempt to close the so-called "gun show loophole," and the related "online sale loophole."

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Is your dog contraband?

An awful ruling for pet owners has come from a federal court.

The Language of Politics

Democrats and Republicans speak different languages — and it helps explain why we're so divided.

We should call evil by its name

Sen. Orrin Hatch: My brother didn't die fighting Hitler for Nazis to go unchallenged today.

SSA Gave $1.3 Million in Benefits to Criminals

Criminals who had defrauded government receiving benefit payments.

Being Christian In North Korea

Horrific New Details Emerge of Christians Being Crushed Under Steamrollers, Hung Over Fires.

Philadelphia Tax Makes Soda More Expensive Than Beer

Tax falling short of projections, forcing Philadelphians to buy soda outside of city

3 things you didn't know about Prohibition on its 100th anniversary

One hundred years ago, by a bipartisan vote of 65 to 20, the U.S. Senate submitted to the states what became the 18th Amendment.

Obama’s IRS ‘misled’ Obamacare customers

The Obama administration “misled” Americans into thinking signing up for Obamacare would be cheaper than it really was.

Why North Korea Is Threatening Guam

The U.S. territory is home to large military bases, and occupies a strategic place between the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea.

Closed because of Soda Tax

One of many? ....CC Orlando & Sons, opened in 1948, closed because of Soda tax.

Pro-life laws do not harm public health

Researchers try to find evidence that pro-life laws cause public-health problems.

Stop Calling Jesus a Socialist

It must be said that Jesus was and is not a socialist by anyone's definition, save those of his revisionists.

Gone but not forgotten

Judge orders State Department to keep searching for Benghazi emails

A Very Fresh Face Is Running for Governor

Thanks to loose election rules, a 16-year-old is seeking the state’s highest office before he can vote himself

The best school district in America

In an Ohio suburb 20 miles outside Cleveland, a city where schools are failing by almost every measure

FBI: Teen sold bomb threats

Israeli arrested for sending more than 100 threatening messages