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Mueller Hires Clinton Foundation Lawyer for Russia Probe

When Speech Inspires Violence, Protect Liberty While Restoring Virtue

Freedom carries responsibility, and that includes respecting fundamental humanity and individual dignity of even your greatest foes.

2 Million Americans effected

So far in 2017, nearly two million people have fallen off the Obamacare exchange.

A Bill proposed to prevent child deaths

The new bill introduced by Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, is meant to prevent child deaths in hot cars.

Violating the First Amendment

High School Punishes Student for Satirical Campaign Speech

Federal Reserve: 3 things to watch for

There isn’t much suspense about what the Fed will announce when its latest policy meeting ends.

Drivers Head Into Summer With a Gift at the Gas Pump

Looking for an excuse to pack up the car for a road trip this weekend?

Flag Day: What is it and why do we celebrate it?

Look out for the red, white, and blue this week as the United States celebrates Flag Day. Here's what you should know.

Searching for Self-Reliance

As President Reagan said in his first Inaugural Address, “It is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it work -

In one state, abused animals get a legal voice in court

One state has created legal advocates for abused animals, an experiment being watched nationwide for signs of success.

CNN Host takes A stand

Host speaks out about liberal intolerance, ‘anti-intellectualism’ and the silencing of conservative voices.

ISIS's Perverse, Bloody Interpretation of Ramadan

For the overwhelming majority of Muslims, Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a time of prayer and atonement.

Millennials and small business go well

Contrary to stereotypes, Millennials are pretty down-to-earth in their outlook. They’re more likely to want to start a business.

Hillary Clinton and the “biggest nothing-burger”

Hillary Clinton says her secret email server scandal was the “biggest nothing-burger” of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

A Legal Victory over the Moon

In this week's ruling, the judges said Davis made a case that the detention violated her constitutional right regarding unreasonable seizure.

Should the Feds try to save Free Speech on Campus?

That free speech on college campuses is under attack cannot be denied.

American tourist dollars are feeding Castro's Human Zoo

Their country is still run by a socialist communist dictatorship and they're still third-class citizens.

Remembering Manchester

The 20th century was the prelude to the terrible reality of Islamic jihadist evil that now permeates the 21st century.

Pelosi Upset That Trump Didn’t Visit Countries Alphabetically

If that wasn’t strange enough, Pelosi then started citing what past presidents had done.