The Little Known Story of the Declaration of Independence
What was truly revolutionary was not military success against all odds in the war for independence.
Gettysburg’s Citizen-Soldiers
America as we know it would not exist today, and the government of the people, by the people, and for the people would have perished.
Injured bald eagle rescued in Washington, D.C.
They're calling the rescue of a bald eagle, a Fourth of July miracle.
Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend!
While former presidents rarely criticize their successors at home, Obama took the unusual step of going to a foreign country to do it.
It’s Time to Pull the Plug on August Recess
The norms of Washington—including a month-long recess—must never stand in the way of our efforts to act on the people’s priorities.
Maxine Waters said what?
According to Maxine Waters, 700,000,000,000 people will be harmed if Senate Republicans repeal and replace Obamacare.
Congress has 'obligation' to call Obama to testify on Russia
Congress must seek answers from Obama as to why he did not do more to stop the cyberattacks during the campaign.
How Hollywood Celebs are hurting the Liberal Cause
The outrage over Johnny Depp’s idiotic Trump assassination joke or Kathy Griffin’s disgusting beheading stunt points to a far greater problem
A Brief History of ‘Fake News’
Disinformation is false information spread deliberately to deceive and cause chaos. It only works if people refuse to think or find it easier
No, Obamacare Repeal will Not kill tens of thousands
The hyperbole relies on cherry-picked data and outright distortions.
Bloomberg says Democrats should “get behind” President
“You have to make it work. We have an election — whoever wins, you got to get behind.”
Mark Zuckerberg's snub of White House could backfire
Mark Zuckerberg had a choice to make this week.
The smart way to lift the student-debt burden
The last thing America needs is an additional government program to make up for the deficiencies of the current one.
Suburban sprawl is out
For New Jersey smart growth, redevelopment and transit stations are in ?
Who Does The FBI Work For?
What the FBI is claiming is mind-boggling
How the Senate can begin to undo the damage of Obamacare in the AHCA
Obamacare produced escalating premiums and higher deductibles. It also reduced access to insurers and providers.
Pelosi faces growing doubts among Dems
Some Democrats want to replace Pelosi atop their caucus.
Guess who’s getting blamed for Ossoff’s loss?
Yep, Russia Again
A brutal North Korean Crime that must not be forgotten
Otto Warmbier was an American kid who made one foolish mistake, one that should not have cost him his life.
Why the Government Fails at Welfare
The leviathan created by the modern welfare state is one of the gravest threats facing the American republican system.