Dodd-Frank Has Held Down the US Economy for Too Long
In truth, citizens of every American community are losing economic opportunities due to Dodd-Frank.
Postal Service broke law for Hillary
Postal Service broke law in pushing time off for workers to campaign for Clinton, investigation finds.
Facebook worker living in garage
As the Facebook CEO travels across the US to ‘learn about people’s hopes and challenges’, the cafeteria workers at his company struggle.
California governor stops parole for Charles Manson follower
The governor’s decision came a week before the deadline.
Why not consider ending the gift tax?
axes should not be triggered by a death in the family and Americans should not be forced to make critical life-impacting financial decisions
Senator Feinstein Thinks It’s Acceptable for Violent Mobs to Control Speech
Feinstein is saying is that colleges do not have a duty to make sure that the First Amendment is protected on campus.
You won't believe these laws are still on the books
The thing about laws is that they always make great sense at the time they're written.
To buy or not to buy?
Self-made millionaire David Bach says that not prioritizing homeownership is "the single biggest mistake millennials are making."
Put down that cellphone
Washington State Distracted-driving law is here. Using a handheld cellphone while driving, even at a stoplight, can soon lead to a $136 fine.
Is Space Exploration a Bipartisan Issue
The Trump Administration’s current budget will give NASA a chance to be successful with space exploration in the near future.
‘It’s failing my constituents’
Democratic congressman rips Obamacare, DNC
CNN’s Van Jones calls Russia story ‘nothing burger’
A CNN spokesman responded by email to a request for comment from the Washington Times by writing, “LOL.”
A monkey took a selfie.
PETA says he owns the copyright. A curious monkey with a toothy grin and a knack for pressing a camera button is back in court.
Wonder Woman: A Conservative and (Demi-) Religious View of the Human Race
A superhero genre to give us a meditation on mankind at its worst but also at its best.
The quest to uncover truth about immigrant deaths from 1832
Could have been vigilante group that murdered them out of fear and prejudice against the Irish.
Why musicians are so angry at this
Music labels accuse YouTube of using a legal loophole to pay less for songs than traditional music-streaming sites.
Remembering the summer of 1977
The New York blackout 40 years later.Most New Yorkers responded to the crisis with resilience. It brought out the best and the worst.
9-year-old silenced at council meeting
The council does set limits on time and prohibits disruptive speech or behavior. But there’s nothing in the rules about age.
Term Limits: Good for the People, Good for Politicians
How Do We Fix the Mess?
Congressmen Propose Idea That Just Might Save Charlie Gard’s Life
Two U.S. congressmen proposed a potential solution that would reinstate Chris Gard and Connie Yates’ right to choose what’s best.