
Blue Whale Challenge: Parents be aware

Ghoulish online game urges young people to end their lives

U.S. Air Force Sgt. Israel Del Toro was told that He’d never walk again

Today, he is the first 100% combat-disabled Air Force tech to re-enlist. He received the Pat Tillman Award for Service at the 25th ESPYS.

What members of Congress can do

We, the people, need to remember that no one — not our siblings, our spouses, nor our work colleagues — ever agrees with us all the time.

If Ben & Jerry’s is progressive, why won’t it protect its farmworkers?

A record of labor exploitation from the company we expect better from.

Circuit court vacancy coming soon?

Vacancy could be coming from the second-most powerful court in the land, behind the Supreme Court.

A Federal Judge upholds Second Amendment Rights

But The Case Is Heading For The Ninth Circuit

Giving Them Legal Rights Like Humans Is Absurd

Animal rights groups argue that primates are deserving of legal personhood

Mark Zuckerberg again defends government giving people free money

Does giving someone free money each year really brighten the future and compel people to look for opportunities to invest and grow ?

North Korea’s long history of attacking America — with anti-U.S. stamps

North Korea started its official “Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism” month by releasing two new postage stamps.

A Plasma Rocket engine may get us to Mars in 40 days

Theoretically, the engine could cut time to as little as 39 days versus the eight months it would take using today’s chemical rockets.

Washington’s new family-leave law is among the most generous

Washington became the fifth state to mandate that employers pay workers' salaries when they need to take time off for the birth of a child.

Spam at 80

American soldiers gobbled up more than 100 million pounds of it during WWII.

Religious Liberty wins again in the Supreme Court

In its decision in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer this week, the Supreme Court took another significant step.

Eco-friendly goats steal jobs from union? The goats are ahead of schedule.

A battle is brewing this summer between a group of hungry goats and a labor union.

Congress remembers a whistleblower

The Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act is an important step in the right direction.

Rahm Emanuel Should Deal With Chicago’s Shootings

Chicago residents are more likely to be shot and killed. That’s not a brag. That is just a fact.

Government Approval Required

Beginning in 2020, Chicago high-school seniors will have to prove that they have a government-approved post-graduation plan.

Rejecting Globalism and Affirming Patriotic Nationalism

We should often and freely express to others our gratitude at having the opportunities and enjoyments that life affords us here in the USA.

The Little Known Story of the Declaration of Independence

What was truly revolutionary was not military success against all odds in the war for independence.

Gettysburg’s Citizen-Soldiers

America as we know it would not exist today, and the government of the people, by the people, and for the people would have perished.