Press CorpAbout the Press Corp

Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Update the 4th Amendment?

How do we adapt old, established rules to new technology?

Reversing the Net Neutrality power grab

The FCC's recent vote to begin undoing an Obama-era power grab is the right solution for consumers.

Congressional committee wants answers on 'Fast and Furious' gun scandal

Coverups continue more than six years after Congress revealed an ill-advised U.S. government effort to catch gun traffickers.

Q&A: Qatar's falling out with its Arab neighbors

The move reflects longstanding anger at Qatar's support for Islamist groups that are outlawed by other Arab nations.

Pirates are making a comeback on the high seas

A new report from watchdog group Oceans Beyond Piracy says seafaring incidents involving kidnap for ransom jumped last year.

Millions of dollars’ worth of research in limbo at NIH

The leadership at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, has banned the use of data collected.

A Right to know

California considers law to inform patients of doctors’ misconduct

Don't ever forget D-Day and what it meant for our nation

Soldiers of the American, British and Canadian forces stormed the beaches of Normandy and led to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Dear Mrs. Clinton: Please concede the election, now

Last week Hillary Clinton reprised her notorious Wellesley graduation speech with another graceless graduation day speech.

Obama’s final regulations to drain economy by $2 trillion

The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door.

In memory of Bartley Crum, Fighter for Jewish Rights

The memory of Crum remains as a beacon for other U.S. politicians and lawyers to be equally courageous.

Searching for Self-Reliance

As President Reagan said in his first Inaugural Address, “It is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it work -

This Is How It Feels When Your City Is Attacked

Our spirit will endure, beyond political seasons, and despite whatever revolting attacks may yet be to come.

Newsflash: America Never Joined Paris Agreement

The fact is the Paris Agreement is a treaty. The U.S. was never a part of. It was the only nation to join via executive order.

Six days which changed the Middle East

Fifty years ago, war broke out between Israel and its neighbours. The conflict lasted just six days but its effect would last to the present