
Politicians must stand up against the drug traffickers ruining our youth

Can it be that some politicians do not perceive the fear gripping our communities?

“It’s a viable idea”

Republican legislators and policy experts are kicking around a novel way to increase health coverage automatically enrolling millions

He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8 million fine

A farmer faces trial in federal court this summer and a $2.8 million fine for failing to get a permit to plow his field and plant wheat.

Allowed To Hide Donors From The Public?

Hillary Clinton, whose failed presidential campaign was hampered by pay-for-play allegations, launched a “dark money” political organization

600 Sex Offenders set free Under Obama policy

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency released nearly 600 illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes.

FCC votes to begin reversing Net Neutrality Rules

The Federal Communications Commission voted 2-1 to begin the process of reversing the Obama administration's net neutrality rules.

Border security and immigration made simple

Utilizing market forces and modern technology would serve American interests

Who’s in Charge of Outer Space?

All extraterrestrial activity today is governed by a 50-year-old, Cold War-era treaty. Will governments agree on an update before the final f

Obama holdover colluded with Unions

An Obama administration appointee with deep ties to labor unions promoted a grassroots campaign to reverse the Trump administration’s proposa

For the economy this Bill will unleash real growth again.

Have you noticed that free checking accounts are now nearly nonexistent, and locally owned stores are increasing the $5 minimum charge on deb

Dem Operative Says To Ignore evidence

A campaign operative warns that if emails are found linking a slain Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer to the 2016 leak of internal