
IRS now attacking churches and charities!

The IRS is pushing an aggressive new rule would require nonprofits to capture the Social Security numbers of almost all donors giving to thei

Don’t Allow Climate Change Alarmist Liberals to Kill this Job-Creating Energy Bill!

EXPAND is an aggressive, all-of-the-above, free market strategy to achieve North American energy independence. This legislation is a crucial

Stop Sanctuary Cities and Support Kate's Law!

"Sanctuary cities" are threatening the safety of American citizens. Support this bill so cities have to comply with Federal Immigration Autho

Stop Ex-Im From Coming Back

Ex-Im supports crony capitalism at the expense of taxpayers. It must stay dead.

Keep Our Government From Defaulting on the Debt

Supporters of raising the debt ceiling claim that it would lead to the US defaulting on its debts and obligations. This bill would prevent th

Stop Obama's Radical EPA Plans

Obama wants the Beltway Bureaucracy to take control of the energy sector. He must be stopped.

We Need Conservative Concessions for the Debt Ceiling

Conservatives must get concessions in exchange for the debt ceiling being raised. Anything less would be surrendering to Obama.

Defund Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood butchers the unborn to turn a profit. It's now time to end taxpayers funds going to this criminal syndicate.

Vote Against The Iran Deal

The Iran deal is bad for America and Israel. Congress must vote against it.

VIDEO: Senator Cruz Attacks ‘Atheist Taliban’ Assault on Religious Liberty

During an interview with Jan Mickelson, Senator Ted Cruz addresses the assault on religious liberty.

BREAKING: Russia moves ahead with Iran Missile Sale!

Iran’s defense minister says Russia is set to supply the country with four batteries of the advanced S-300 air defense missile system.

VIDEO: Senator Cruz Says Hillary Not As Good At Dodging As Her Partner

Senator Cruz describes the illegalities surrounding Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

[VIDEO] Cruz on the Issue of Birthright Citizenship

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, says he believes America should amend constitutional law to end birthright citizenship.