Federal officials and advisors who have consistently boosted COVID-19 vaccines are starting to sound more like skeptics of the vaccines' efficacy and safety.
The face of the Biden administration's COVID response is now making the same claims about vaccines that got a contrarian journalist booted from Twitter, while the CDC encouraged Americans to avoid a specific vaccine.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci cowrote a "perspective" in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Wednesday that acknowledged COVID vaccines were not living up to expectations.
Not only do the three vaccines authorized for emergency use require boosters due to waning "protective efficacy," but they haven't stopped breakthrough infections, "allowing subsequent transmission to other people even when the vaccine prevents severe and fatal disease."
Oops! Feds' guidance on COVID vaccines moves closer to alleged 'misinformation' of skeptics

Twitter by Akshar Dave 🪁 is licensed under unsplash.com
Twitter by Akshar Dave 🪁 is licensed under unsplash.com
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