The charges against former president Donald Trump in his New York hush money case are almost never brought, according to the New York Times.

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


There's a huge court case you need to hear about

There's a huge court case you need to hear about. But the outcome is likely to have enormous repercussions for online privacy, net neutrality

How to stop school lunch shaming? Leave kids out of it

Far too often in school cafeterias across the country, a student is served a lunch, only for it to be thrown away because he or she does not

Steel Industry, Seeing a New Dawn

Stocks are up, and employees at a South Carolina plant are confident in the prospect of infrastructure spending and a tough stand on trade.

U.S. jobless claims fall

U.S. jobless claims fall; continuing claims lowest since 1988

Kill Obamacare’s Bureaucratic Overhead Before We’re Stuck With It

One of the more pernicious legacies of Obamacare is the provision in the law for the establishment of an Independent Payment Advisory Board (

Aetna exits Obamacare exchanges

Health insurance giant Aetna said Wednesday that it will not be participating in any Obamacare exchanges in 2018.

What makes ‘milk’ milk?

Authenticity is important. In a relationship, you trust your partner. In a voting booth, you want to trust your candidate. In a supermarket,

Taxpayers become federal spending watchdogs

The Treasury launched a website Tuesday where people can track how tax dollars are spent .

Little-noticed decision could make it harder for consumers to find cheap flights

The Department of Transportation took a little-noticed action last month that could end up making it harder for consumers to use travel websi

Feinstein: ‘Did Not Recall’ Information Was Classified

Feinstein: ‘Did Not Recall’ Information About San Bernardino Shooter’s Phone Was Classified

What is shaping American politics ?

Throughout and after the 2016 presidential campaign, political observers and scholars have debated the importance of “authoritarianism”

Jimmy Carter: Trump is right on Canada lumber tariff

Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that he agreed with President Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on lumber imports from

Pentagon Backs Plan To Inject Billions Of Dollars Into US Military In Asia

The U.S. military in Asia may get a big boost over the next few years.

Illegal immigration across southwest border is down

Illegal immigration across the southwest border dropped yet again in April

The fiscal cliff to end all fiscal cliffs

Over the next several months, Republicans will have to figure out how to cut deals with Democrats to avoid a default on the national debt and

The real reason Hillary Clinton lost

The other word that keeps coming at you is “message.” Clinton did not have one.