Trump says he supports the Supreme Court overturning Roe V. Wade and that the federal government should stay out of the issue.

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


CNN’s Van Jones calls Russia story ‘nothing burger’

A CNN spokesman responded by email to a request for comment from the Washington Times by writing, “LOL.”

California government will spend more than ever

California government spending will hit a record high in the budget that begins July 1, up some $12 billion in just a single year.

Now Susan Rice Won’t Testify

Former National Security Advisor Rice’s planned testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has been postponed.

How hospitals got richer off Obamacare

After fending off challenges to their tax-exempt status, the biggest hospitals boosted revenue while cutting charity care.

Senior Obama Admin Official: The Media Colluded With Russia

CNN’s Sciutto took objection to Price’s accusation that the media colluded with Russia.

Iran Contra: 30 Years Later

Sometimes what some meant for bad, and vilification, can turn out for good. Such is the case of Ollie North, a man with a life well lived.

Levinson family meets U.S. officials about man missing in Iran

The family of former FBI agent Robert Levinson has met with State Department officials about efforts to find him.

Father of 3 killed by man deported 7x

Illegal immigrant who has been removed from the U.S. SEVEN times had 'drunk 12 beers and was driving at 100mph.

NYC's $32M multi-agency Rat Task Force

New York City announced a $32 million multiagency plan to reduce its rat population.

A monkey took a selfie.

PETA says he owns the copyright. A curious monkey with a toothy grin and a knack for pressing a camera button is back in court.

Why Democrats Should Love Cruz's Health Care Amendment

Cruz’s amendment is similar to a feature in the FEHBP, which Democrats love.

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers forced to advertise abortion

Pregnancy centers found out of compliance could be slapped with a $500 citation for a first-time offense and a $1,000 per-offense after.

5 things to know about the proposed 'Forever' GI Bill

It’s an idea that gained momentum with veterans groups and bipartisan support.

Wonder Woman: A Conservative and (Demi-) Religious View of the Human Race

A superhero genre to give us a meditation on mankind at its worst but also at its best.

Trustees project biggest Social Security increase in years

Millions of Americans who rely on Social Security can expect to receive their biggest payment increase in years this January.