The Trump campaign on Thursday demanded the debate commission to schedule debates early and often, citing the need to preempt early voting.

Press CorpAbout the Press Corp

Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Government Approval Required

Beginning in 2020, Chicago high-school seniors will have to prove that they have a government-approved post-graduation plan.

ISIS Slaughtered Babies, Pregnant Women, Elderly in Battle for Mosul

ISIS militants indiscriminately slaughtered pregnant women, children and entire families during a bloody seige last month.

Homeschool parents pave the way to Educational Independence

Homeschoolers have overcome onerous regulation and opposition from huge, powerful special-interest groups.

Thousands of fake or dead people enrolled in government phone program

Auditors said they plan to refer this company “for appropriate action” to the FCC.

Rejecting Globalism and Affirming Patriotic Nationalism

We should often and freely express to others our gratitude at having the opportunities and enjoyments that life affords us here in the USA.

Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump

Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 mi

The Little Known Story of the Declaration of Independence

What was truly revolutionary was not military success against all odds in the war for independence.

Gettysburg’s Citizen-Soldiers

America as we know it would not exist today, and the government of the people, by the people, and for the people would have perished.

Injured bald eagle rescued in Washington, D.C.

They're calling the rescue of a bald eagle, a Fourth of July miracle.

Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend!

While former presidents rarely criticize their successors at home, Obama took the unusual step of going to a foreign country to do it.

Confirmed: Sarin gas used in April attack

An investigation by the international chemical weapons watchdog confirmed sarin nerve gas was used in April 4 attack on a Syrian town.

Celebrating Our Day of Independence

In the United States, the 4th of July commemorates the day in 1776 when the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.

It’s Time to Pull the Plug on August Recess

The norms of Washington—including a month-long recess—must never stand in the way of our efforts to act on the people’s priorities.

Maxine Waters said what?

According to Maxine Waters, 700,000,000,000 people will be harmed if Senate Republicans repeal and replace Obamacare.

Your tax Dollars wisely spent?

Feds Spend $20,000 on lewd Musical About Illegal Immigrantion

House passes 'Kate's Law'

In response to the 2015 murder of Kate Steinle by an immigrant who had been deported 5x and was convicted of seven felonies.