A report from the Judiciary Committee stated that the policies have allowed teenage unaccompanied alien children to “commit egregious crimes against Americans,” including the killing of a 19-year-old autistic woman in Maryland.

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


North Korea reportedly conducting more experiments

Kim Jong-un is testing new warheads loaded with ANTHRAX.

A real global threat emerges from Obama's watch

Hezbollah turned to trafficking cocaine and laundering money through used cars to finance its expansion.

House Republicans pass tax measure

House Republicans have passed their ambitious $1.5 trillion rewrite of the tax code.

Hysteria and 'Net Neutrality'

Government-Control of the Internet

Pope Francis: Fake news is a sin

Pope Francis criticizes media who dredge up old scandals and sensationalize the news.

Fusion digs up fake news

Fusion GPS Paid Top DOJ Official’s Wife To Dig Up Dirt

What we know about Al Franken’s replacement

She’s fairly progressive, like Dayton and Franken.

Climate change to be removed from national threat list

New plan to focus on protecting economic power.

Harry Reid's Secret U.F.O Project

The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007

Here's what is in it

The final GOP tax bill is complete.

Lets make another "deal"

Clinton Struck Deal With Obama State Dept. to Keep Records Private

FCC votes to repeal net neutrality rules

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted.

Obamacare customers beware

A potential glitch if you froze your credit report

America's Farmers Don't Depend on Illegal Immigration

American agriculture will not collapse without illegal labor

Iraqi Christians Still Fear ISIS

The reality is we cannot stay without the U.S. or the U.N. helping to protect Nineveh directly.