I got the chance to ask the FDA how it can still recommend COVID vaccination in children despite the newly emerging risks. Their response was all-too-revealing.

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Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


New internet rules set for vote December 14th

The FCC is on course to eliminate net neutrality

How NASA’s Search for Aliens Helped Detect Breast Cancer

The agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory can find the tiniest microorganisms

Guess who is paying the tab

Mueller probe's expenses totaled $6.7M in early months

Obama’s Failed Stimulus Still Fleecing Taxpayers

The disastrous impact of the stimulus hasn’t ended with the Obama administration

Will the U.S. Embassy’s Move to Jerusalem Matter?

Israel remains a valuable and worthy ally for the United States, and a nation to admire in its own right.

The Day of Infamy...Lest we forget.

The 76th anniversary of Pearl Harbor

What about shutdown threats?

Government Shutdown: Debt, Deficits And Tax Cuts

A Victory For Gun Rights

The House Passes The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

The Concealed Carry Debate Is About To Get Interesting

Will law stand up under challenge? Get ready for some fireworks in both the House and Senate ...

Do you remember when Huma Abedin And Cheryl Mills Lied.........

Why Weren’t they Charged When They Lied To Peter Strzok And The FBI?

Baking a Cake Is Not Constitutionally Protected Speech

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear 60 minutes of speech about when, if at all, making a cake counts as constitutionally protected speech

Obstruction Charges Would Bring 'Constitutional Crisis'

You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power.

An obit for every homicide victim

If an obituary is the last measure of respect offered to someone who died, then homicide victims often leave this world dishonored.

Bill Filed To End Hush Fund

Bipartisan Bill Filed To End ‘Sorry Your Congressman Groped You’ Hush Fund

Senate Passes Massive Tax Reform Legislation

Senate Republicans passed the measure just hours after having to rewrite the legislation Friday evening.