Press CorpAbout the Press Corp

Our mission is to serve as a platform for real investigative journalism. America's Founding Fathers understood that a free press was required to prevent the government from abusing its power. We aim to continue the tradition of the fourth and fifth estate, in order to responsibly hand it over to the next generation of Americans.


Trump Tax Cut Is Already Working

The stock market has reached multiple new highs since the tax bill took effect on Jan. 1. Workers are more optimistic about the job market th

Economists Reveal Which President They Credit For U.S. Economic Growth, Stock Market

President Donald Trump has repeatedly touted the flourishing economic climate in the United States as being one of the major successes of his

Sipping in Seattle Soda Tax Sticker Shock

They try to hide its true nature by calling it a fee instead of a tax

FBI indictment on Russian Uranium bribes concealed by Obama

What many don't realize is that Lambert's Friday indictment is not the first linked to the Uranium One deal.

Even Canada has its limits

Canadian officials are warning that even liberal Canada has its limits amid concerns.

Who do you believe?

Obama slams Americans who watch Fox News

U.S. Supreme Court to decide on Internet Sales Tax

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider freeing state and local governments to collect billions of dollars in sales taxes from

MLK and My Father "Often 'Took the Knee' in Prayer to God"

Martin Luther King said we need to live together as brothers... or perish together as fools," King said. "We want justice for everyone."

Americans support DOJ investigation of Planned Parenthood

This upcoming DOJ investigation ought to receive plenty of media coverage

The baby bond ....

There's a serious proposal to give babies born in the United States $20,000

The 4th Amendment: Justices find privacy rights

Majority of justices appeared to side with the suspects over the government when their constitutional rights were threatened.

Five months after Equifax hack

Social Security keeps stonewalling about what it paid Equifax to do and why it won’t cut hacked firm loose

Divisive issue for the Dems

The One Issue That Could Fracture Democrats the Most in 2018

Guess why they Declared War on Thomas the Train

Why do leftists distort and demonize Thomas stories?

President Trump's mental health

Public debate is unfair and unseemly

FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation

The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics.