
STUDY: Green New Deal Would Have 'No Effect' On Climate Change

Green New Deal proponents, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), have long claimed that the GND, an expansive, costly, and dramatic

Sick Watching JFK Speaking Out Against Castro

'I remember being excited when Castro made the revolution in Cuba': Video from 1986 surfaces showing presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders prai

AOC 'takes no pleasure' in impeaching Trump, signs resolution after Mueller Report release

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declared Thursday that she will support a resolution demanding a new probe into whether Preside

Big Labor Dropped $2 Billion on Midterms

Big Labor ramped up its political spending during the 2018 election season, dwarfing the amount it spent during the 2016 presidential campaig

N.C.'s Democratic governor vetoes anti-infanticide legislation

​North Carolina’s Democratic Governor Roy Cooper vetoed a state-level anti-infanticide bill Thursday morning.

Coal miners give AOC brutal reality check after she promises to kill their industry

n a video released earlier this week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez narrated a strange version of a Green New Deal future that appeared more

Media Matters defends WaPo smear against Ben Shapiro

Alas, even after MMFA savagely and grotesquely goes after a prominent conservative commentator in defense of an indefensibly defamatory Washi

Hispanics to outpace Blacks as largest voting minority

Hispanic Americans are set to outpace black Americans as the largest voting minority group in the 2020 election for the first time ever, new

"Con Job" Mueller Report to be Redacted THURSDAY

Donald Trump stepped up his attacks in an effort to undermine potential disclosures on Russia, his 2016 campaign and the aftermath.

Antifa, Vandals Threaten Upcoming Candace Owens Event

On Friday evening, The UPenn Statesman learned of a series of tweets threatening the upcoming appearance of Candace Owens at the University o

Bernie Releases tax returns, immediately called out for stinginess

Bernie Sanders, who incessantly preaches about the greediness of the upper class, has an interesting history

Maryland Man beaten and robbed over MAGA hat

Two Maryland men have been charged with assault and robbery after attacking a man who was wearing a red Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat.

Sanders: "Abortion should be legal until birth"

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated that abortions up until the moment of birth are extremely rare, this topic is “being made into a politic

Rep. Dan Crenshaw accused of inciting violence for criticizing Ilhan Omar

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), an Afghan War veteran who lost an eye in an IED attack, is now under an avalanche of leftist mockery simply for dar

Heckler Interrupts Clinton Book Tour

he Clinton Book Tour has officially resumed, and it appears that it is destined for as much success in its second half as it enjoyed in its f

Pelosi says she asked Trump to meet with her

One day last week, amid spiraling fallout over special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe , House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dialed up the presi

Tension between U.S. and Turkey Escalates

“If the F-35s don’t work out, I will again have to procure the jets I need from elsewhere..."

Wikileaks Publisher Arrested by British Authorities

WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was arrested in London on Thursday morning, after Ecuadorian diplomatic officials invited British police i

The list of ways China keeps tabs on its citizens

China’s ambitious plan to assign lifelong scores to citizens based on their behavior has stoked international concern, even as the project re