Wesley Clark: Biden Policy on Iran Proxies Is ‘Inviting’ Attacks That It’s ‘Inevitable’ Will ‘Cause Real Damage’

Joe Biden by Lisa Ferdinando is licensed under CC BY 2.0

On Wednesday’s “CNN News Central,” CNN Military Analyst and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) stated that the Biden administration’s public policy towards attacks by Iranian proxies is “inviting the enemy to attack you and dare you to escalate.” And “if we continue just to try to defend and we don’t go at the source of the attacks, either tactical or strategic, then we can expect those attacks to continue and to intensify. And eventually, they will get through the protective shield of the aircraft and the destroyers that are on the ground, they will target a ship and cause real damage. It’s inevitable.”

Clark said, “Well, it’s been the policy of the administration that we don’t want it to expand into a wider conflict. And so, when that’s your public policy and you’re arguing, please don’t let it escalate, you’re inviting the enemy to attack you and dare you to escalate.”

Joe Biden by Lisa Ferdinando is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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