Two Officers are Facing Termination Following the Leak of Nashville Transgender Shooter’s Manifesto

Shawshank Guard by R.D. Smith is licensed under

Two police officers are reportedly facing potential terminations following the leak of a manifesto allegedly belonging to the transgender mass shooter Audrey Hale.

Democratic Mayor of Nashville, Freddie O’Connell,  expressed outrage after the racist killer’s manifesto was leaked to the public, dispersing the narrative being built around the incident.

“I have directed Wally Dietz, Metro’s Law Director, to initiate an investigation into how these images could have been released. That investigation may involve local, state, and federal authorities. I am deeply concerned with the safety, security, and well-being of the Covenant families and all Nashvillians who are grieving,” O’Connell said.

Shawshank Guard by R.D. Smith is licensed under

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