Twelve Days of WEX-mas: How serious is Biden about fixing the border in 2024?

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President Joe Biden is ending his third year in office with the southern border in worse shape now than at any time in the immigration crisis that has resulted in nearly 6 million arrests of illegal immigrants.

But if Biden wants to get a hold of the situation in 2024, the final year of his first term, immigration policy groups like NumbersUSA say he will need to step up to the plate and get Congress to act.

“Of course, President Biden can fix the situation, but it's apparent that there is an ideological opposition among those in charge of immigration policy to do so," said Eric Ruark, director of research at NumbersUSA. "Congress has given the president all the tools necessary to secure the border. The border crisis is the result of deliberate choice. Nonetheless, Congress can and, given the current crisis, must do more.”
four person standing near monuntain by humberto chavez is licensed under

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