Tucker in Budapest: “The People Who Run the USA are Dangerous and Insane”

Tucker Carlson by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman, who is gay, has attacked his host country for “anti-LGBTQ” policies. Speaking in Budapest on Aug. 26, Tucker Carlson said that “the behavior of the American Ambassador to Hungary makes me want to apologize. It’s disgusting and inexcusable.”

Gateway Pundit is the only US medium which has long covered the Biden Regime’s illegal $ 7.5 million Color Revolution campaign to destabilize the Hungarian government.

The behavior of the Biden lackey Pressman is “so far from the norms of diplomacy in my country that it’s hard for me to believe that David Pressman is doing what he’s doing,” Carlson said.

Tucker Carlson by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

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