A new poll released on Wednesday has revealed that Trump is leading Biden in the seven swing states of the 2024 election.
Overall, the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll of 4956 registered voters in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, found that in a head-to-head matchup, Trump leads Biden 48 to 42 percent. The poll, conducted between January 16 and 22, found that when third-party candidates were mixed in, 44 percent of registered swing state voters supported Trump, 35 percent supported Biden, and 9 percent supported Kennedy, the highest polling third-party candidate.
Trump leads Biden in ALL swing states: Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll

Symbol of Republican party cut out of paper by Kelly Sikkema is licensed under unsplash.com
Symbol of Republican party cut out of paper by Kelly Sikkema is licensed under unsplash.com
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