Rand Paul: Dems AND GOP Want To Send $100 Billion To Everyone” In Foreign Countries

Rand Paul by https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/ is licensed under n/a

Senator Rand Paul has warned that “the very existence” of the U.S. is under threat from Democrats and Republicans wanting to send “$100 billion to everyone,” in other countries.

In a Fox News interview, Paul warned that “they’ll bankrupt our country in sending money everywhere all over the planet,” adding “It is probably the greatest threat to our national security.”

Paul further urged that “The greatest threat to it is the national debt. We borrowed a trillion dollars in the last three months. It is out-of-control spending, and we are threatening the very existence of our currency, and perhaps our country, by this crazy, profligate spending.”

Rand Paul by https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/ is licensed under n/a

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