Pediatric endocrinologist claims puberty blockers for 12-year-old girl are completely reversible—then recommends 'fertility preservation'

Transgender flag celebrating LGBTQ Pride by Alexander Grey is licensed under

A New York father is fighting to save his daughter's future. The 12-year-old girl identifies as trans, socially transitioned at school in 4th grade, and under her mother's care, she has been using a new, boy name and presenting as a boy for a few years. Her school uses the boy name as well.

A court has forced the father to refer to her by her chosen name, and to use male pronouns for her. The dad has gone along with it, he is compelled to, but he has not given up on saving his daughter from the trans cult before she is given drugs that stunt her puberty and cross-sex hormones that would cause her to develop male external secondary sex characteristics and likely lead to infertility.

What he's up against, however, is nothing short of a full-court press to get his daughter gender transitioned. Doctors, the child's mother, and even a law guardian in family court are urging this father to allow the prescription of puberty blocking drugs. Despite his concerns, an endocrinologist at Oishei Children's Hospital in Buffalo, New York asked him to change his mind and allow the 12-year-old to be given drugs to stop puberty.

Transgender flag celebrating LGBTQ Pride by Alexander Grey is licensed under

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