Nikki Haley Urges Republicans To Keep Giving Billions In Support To Ukraine: ‘Don’t Go Pulling Out Now’

Nikki Haley by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said during an interview over the weekend that Republicans should be in favor of sending additional support to Ukraine in its war against Russia, arguing that it only constituted a small portion of the U.S. defense budget.

Haley made the remarks during a Sunday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” when asked about the G20 not condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in this year’s statement.

“It was a win for Russia and China. They’re celebrating today,” Haley said. “I mean, what we should have had was, Biden should have really pushed hard to acknowledge what he acknowledged a year ago, that Russia invaded a pro-American, freedom-loving country. And that’s a fact. And to deny a fact a year later is giving a win to Russia.”

Nikki Haley by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

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