Netflix releases children’s cartoon about gay knights that was deemed too gay for Disney

Netflix by Alexander Shatov is licensed under

Netflix released a children’s animated movie, Nimoa, In June, which features an LGBT agenda that was so blatant even Disney, which is very well-known for its tendency to promote such viewpoints, dropped Nimona entirely upon previously assuming ownership.

Left-wing magazine Slate is now questioning if things have gone too far, even saying that Nimona appears to assume that having a focus on diversity excuses it from “train[ing] its creative energies on any other area.” 

As Slate’s Sam Adams details, two of the movie’s main characters, Ballister Blackheart and Ambrosius Goldenloin, are former gay lovers who can be seen holding hands as well as kissing. The other major character, Nimona, is a shape-shifting magical being that is implicitly some kind of "gender-fluid" creature. 

Examples of Nimona’s LGBT references include repeated reminders that the character is “not a girl,” as well as a scene where upon being told “And now you’re a boy,” Nimona answers, “I am today.”
Netflix by Alexander Shatov is licensed under

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