Mike Johnson didn’t avert the shutdown — he accelerated it

U.S. Capitol by Quick PS is licensed under unsplash.com

The new House speaker promises a debt commission. We don’t need one. We need the brains and the nerve to downsize government before it turns the American way of life into Venezuelan misery.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said earlier this week that we “must prevent” a government shutdown because “that would do even more harm to our economy.” And with that, Johnson consigned Americans to the ultimate government shutdown of debt, inflation, and insolvency.

Johnson is planning to give Democrats everything they want with nothing in return. No spending cuts. No action on the border. Not even a real debate over those things. Instead, he is pushing for ... a debt commission

Why are our leaders so shortsighted?

U.S. Capitol by Quick PS is licensed under unsplash.com

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