Meeting Between State Department And Facebook Axed After Judge Warns Of ‘Orwellian’ Relationship

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State Department officials have reportedly canceled a meeting with Facebook after a federal judge ordered that the Biden administration limit its communications with social media companies after describing an “Orwellian” relationship between the two. 

A Facebook employee told the Washington Post that the social media company’s weekly Wednesday meeting with government officials had been canceled in light of U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s decision to grant an injunction in a lawsuit brought by Louisiana and Missouri over alleged collusion between the federal government and social media companies to censor “disfavored” speech in violation of the First Amendment.

The meeting would have covered topics like the 2024 election and potential hacking problems. Facebook was informed that the meetings had been “canceled pending further guidance,” according to the Facebook insider.

Facebook - Meta by Dima Solomin is licensed under

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