McCarthy Booted — There is a Disturbance in the Force

Kevin McCarthy by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Normally I shy away from discussing the political kabuki theater of Washington, DC. Especially the political wrestling that defines the U.S. Congress. But the ejection of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is a big deal and has direct effects on U.S. foreign policy — Ukraine in particular.

McCarthy won the right to become Speaker because he was a gifted player of the political game in the House of Representatives. What does that mean? He was good at raising money and passing it along to members of Congress who in turn were obligated to support him. Only one little problem — the Republican Freedom Caucus. They sent McCarthy a letter last week outlining their concerns about going along with a “Continuing Resolution” and the Speaker told them to go pound sand.

Kevin McCarthy by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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