'Lawyer me to death': NBA drags out COVID vaccine mandate suit to bleed fired refs dry, they say

red and black basketball ball by the blowup is licensed under unsplash.com

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention struggles to convince Americans to repeatedly take a therapeutic that offers short-lived protection against an increasingly mild coronavirus, some dissenters to COVID-19 policies are still fighting for their livelihoods.

Former NBA referee Kenny Mauer, a familiar face in televised games since the 1980s, is raising money to fund his lawsuit with peers against the league for suspending, then firing them after denying religious exemptions from its vaccine mandate.

The litigation describes an "inquisition" that resembles the U.S. Coast Guard script for chaplains interviewing service members who sought religious exemptions. The NBA and Coast Guard seek to overcome objections, based on the use of aborted fetus cell lines in the development of COVID vaccines, by getting the requesters to admit they don't consistently follow their convictions.

red and black basketball ball by the blowup is licensed under unsplash.com

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