Unplanned, a film which bluntly exposes the horrors of what goes on behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood, has garnered a lot of attention on the Internet upon its release this weekend.
Twitter, continuing to be the beacon of free speech that it is, unsurprisingly suspended the film’s official Twitter page for “violating the rules.” What was surprising, however, was that the account was quickly unsuspended, with Twitter claiming it was an error. All is well, right?
Not quite.
Thousands of users have figured out the hard way that the Unplanned page is automatically being unfollowed, and the number of followers is fluctuating wildly. Fans of the film have taken notice:
Twitter, continuing to be the beacon of free speech that it is, unsurprisingly suspended the film’s official Twitter page for “violating the rules.” What was surprising, however, was that the account was quickly unsuspended, with Twitter claiming it was an error. All is well, right?
Not quite.
Thousands of users have figured out the hard way that the Unplanned page is automatically being unfollowed, and the number of followers is fluctuating wildly. Fans of the film have taken notice:

Even Abby Johnson, whom the film is about, as well as the actor who portrayed her, Ashley Bratcher, are unable to follow their own film.

Twitter’s obvious censorship of Unplanned does have a silver lining to it, however. Their little magic trick against the page has done far more to draw the attention of bystanders than if they had simply left it alone. It also raises an important question: what is in this movie that Twitter desperately doesn’t want us to see?