‘Everybody Assumes She’s Running’: VP Speculation Mounts As South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Plans Trump Endorsement

Kristi Noem by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

Speculation is mounting that South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem could be a top contender for former President Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024 as she prepares to endorse him, Politico reported Friday.

Noem is headlining a Republican fundraiser in Rapid City, South Dakota, where the governor will endorse Trump as she presents him to her state, a source familiar with the plans told Politico. The governor has been increasing her national profile with a $5 million ad buy and regular media appearances despite opting not to run for president herself, and several Republican operatives told the outlet she’s positioning herself well to be Trump’s vice presidential pick.

“She’s played her cards right,” Dave Carney, a veteran Republican strategist in New Hampshire, told Politico. “She’s articulate. She has a lot of energy, and she might make an attractive ticket for the president.” (RELATED: Trump’s Most Likely VP Picks, Ranked)

Kristi Noem by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

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