Democrats delight in Trump reviving campaign against Obamacare

Democrats are jumping on the news that former President Donald Trump is “seriously looking at alternatives” to Obamacare, with many saying it will be a messaging win for the party going into the 2024 election.

Trump’s political foes quickly responded after the former president said on his Truth Social platform over the weekend that the GOP should “never give up” on repealing and replacing the 13-year-old Affordable Care Act, indicating that Democrats would be eager to make healthcare access an issue that drives voters to the polls.

Much of the party’s 2018 messaging, which helped Democrats retake the House of Representatives, was centered on the GOP’s failed campaign to repeal Obamacare. Trump called the 2017 effort failing “a low point for the Republican Party,” which he blamed on “a couple of Republican Senators who campaigned for 6 years against it, and then raised their hands not to terminate it.”

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