Some Congressional Democrats are apparently looking to distance their campaigns from President Joe Biden as they head into the 2024 election, according to Axios.
Five months out from the 2024 election, President Joe Biden is struggling in head-to-head matchups, both nationally and across key swing states, against former President Donald Trump. The poor polling coming from Biden have caused several Democratic lawmakers to “Biden-proof” their campaign in an effort to help boost their already close races, the candidates told Axios. (RELATED: ‘Competent Loyalists’: Insiders Detail Why Trump’s Campaign Is Firing On All Cylinders Like Never Before)
“[There is] more distancing now as his numbers continue to tank,” one House Democrat told the outlet, saying his campaign was “pretty much washing my hands of his campaign.”
The candidates distancing their campaigns from Biden is an alternative to publicly “rejecting” the president, Democratic incumbents, candidates and operatives told the outlet.