The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Thursday that former President Donald Trump is immune from federal prosecution for some official acts he took while in office, but the justice made clear that there is no immunity for unofficial acts.

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Here's How Many Bernie Sanders Supporters Ultimately Voted GOP

More than 1 in 10 of those who voted in the primaries for Sanders ended up voting for the Republicans in the general election,

Alabama has new Tax Free Savings Plan for disabled

Enable Alabama is a tax-advantaged savings plan to help make saving simple and affordable for individuals with disabilities.

103-year-old Cambodian woman becomes a U.S. citizen

Relatives were able to bring her to the U.S. 5½ years ago. She had to be a legal permanent resident for at least five years to apply.

Lost WW2 warship USS Indianapolis found after 72 years

As Americans, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the crew for their courage, persistence and sacrifice in the face of horrendous circumstances