Policy and Politics

Amazon offers Biden help in nationwide COVID-19 vaccine distribution

The company extended the pledge soon after Biden took the oath of office but refused to take action months ago when President Trump was in of

Biden Signs Orders Ending Trump’s Travel Ban, Stopping Border Wall Construction

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders on immigration, moving to preserve and fortify the Deferred Action for C

The Biden Era Begins

On the menu today: Donald Trump has left the White House for the last time as president. His last public address to a large live audience tur

Trump Pardons and Commutes 143 People in Last Hours of Presidency

President Donald Trump announced late Tuesday night that he had pardoned and commuted the sentences of 143 people in the final hours of his p

California Issues Alarm Over “Unusually High Number” Of Allergic Reactions To Moderna Vaccine

The California Department of Public Health has issued an order to pause vaccinations using a batch of Moderna COVID shots, citing and unusual

Trump Issues Executive Orders To Protect Law Enforcement, Add Names To ‘National Garden Of American Heroes’

President Donald Trump issued a pair of executive orders Monday aimed at providing further protection for law enforcement and expanding the l

Biden’s Pandemic-Relief Bill Is a Mess

At the outset of the pandemic, the government undertook a deliberate effort to reduce economic activity in what was widely thought to be a ne

Biden plans to kill Keystone XL pipeline

In a notable return to Obama-era policies, President-elect Joe Biden is reportedly planning to use executive power to cancel the federal perm

Trump To Hand Out At Least 100 Pardons And Commutations Before Inauguration

President Donald Trump will spend Tuesday, his last full day in office, issuing at least 100 pardons and commutations, according to multiple

Big Tech Coalition Developing a Digital COVID Vaccination Passport

A coalition of tech and health organizations including Oracle, Microsoft, and the Mayo Clinic, is reportedly working to develop a digital COV

'Calm before the storm': Uneasy quiet descends on DC and Congress ahead of inauguration

An uneasy peace has settled in Washington, D.C., with a week to go before Inauguration Day and a week after deadly violence tore through Capi

North Dakota Bill Would Let Censored Citizens File Lawsuits Against Facebook, Twitter

A bill proposed by Republican lawmakers in North Dakota could enable lawsuits to be filed against Twitter and Facebook by users who have seen

Bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris won't share records of alleged criminals it sprung from jail

A bail fund promoted by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris that reportedly helped bail out several accused and convicted criminals — at least

Critical Race Theory Infiltrates Government, Classrooms

Critical theory, an ideology that has dropped deep roots into America’s most powerful institutions, is opposed to the very foundation of West

YouTube Suspends Trump for a Week, following Facebook and Twitter Ban

YouTube announced on Tuesday night that it would suspend President Trump’s account for at least seven days, joining other tech platforms that

How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler

In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics, while liberals, with virtual

6 videos of Democrats calling for violence or physical confrontations that are still active on Twitter

Videos of Democrats during the Trump administration calling for their supporters to confront Republicans physically or warning of “civil unre

The Democrats’ Ineffectual Impeachment Strategy

On the menu today: Congressional Democrats launch their impeachment effort and make just about every mistake possible along the way.

Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

At least 14 people who President-elect Joe Biden has picked to serve either in his administration or to advise his transition have worked for

Nancy Pelosi Announces Plan for Another Impeachment of Donald Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Sunday that the House of Representatives would move to impeach President Donald Trump again after some o